Adults Supporting Kids

Looking for information for multicultural families?

You and your children have the right to be safe no matter what your culture or background.

Families settling in a new country have a lot to get used to, including languages, culture, laws and people. As a parent or caregiver arriving in Australia, you might find:

  • life for your children is very different to your childhood
  • ways of parenting aren’t what you’re used to
  • you may have less family support than before.

Families in Australia

Australian families are all shapes and sizes, including single parents, same-sex couples and families with adopted children and we respect and value all kinds.

Under Australian law, parents can raise their kids by their own values and beliefs, as long as children are safe and cared for. Parents in Australia are encouraged to use positive approaches as their children grow and develop.

All Australians, including women and children, have equal rights to education and health care, to be safe and to be heard.

Many support services are ready to help you and your family thrive in your new community.

It’s ok to ASK for help. ASK is a safe place.

To talk to someone in your preferred language, phone the National Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) any time on 13 14 50.

You can also go to the Translating and Interpreting Service website.

Information for you

The Families Growing Together program offers parents and carers a range of face-to-face workshops and online webinars to suit their parenting needs.

For Aboriginal families and communities, a co-design process is used to tailor the workshops.

  • My Child and Me – a two-part workshop for parents of children aged 2–12 years
  • Living with Young People – a two-part workshop for parents of children aged 12–18 years
  • Growing and learning in the family — a two-part workshop to support parents to connect with their child through play
  • Coping Skills – a two-part workshop exploring stress and resilience

Delivered in a relaxed and informal style, these workshops and webinars offer parents helpful information and a choice of simple, practical strategies based on the latest parenting research and using information from Parenting SA.

Workshops and webinars are all live and free and are designed to be interactive with videos, activities and time for parents to discuss information together in small groups or through the chat function.

Families Growing Together

Parenting SA provides the community with free quality information on raising children.

Parenting Easy Guides

Parent Easy Guides on a wide range of parenting topics from birth to 18 years including some specially designed for Aboriginal and migrant families.

There are a range of Parenting Easy Guides available in languages that include:

  • Arabic
  • Dari
  • Dinka
  • English
  • French
  • Karen
  • Kirundi
  • Nepali
  • Swahili
  • Uyghur.

Multicultural Parent Easy Guides

Parenting videos (in English)

Raising Children Network provides ad-free parenting videos, articles and apps backed by Australian experts

Free, reliable, up-to-date and independent information to help you and your family grow and thrive together, including:

Pregnancy, Birth and Baby supports parents and caregivers on the journey from pregnancy to preschool. You can chat with a maternal child health nurse for suggestions and guidance with pregnancy, birth, being a parent and raising a child.

Pregnancy, birth and baby

Phone 1800 882 436 (7:30 am to 12:30 midnight)

Cultural differences when raising children

Our cultural background is an important part of who we are, and how we raise our kids. For some families, different cultural backgrounds can lead to different opinions.

Cultural differences when raising children

Phone 1800 882 436 (7:30 am to 12:30 midnight)

Pregnancy loss

Pregnancy loss can happen very quickly, and it can take time to make sense of what is happening. You will likely experience many different emotions, and there are people to support you through this time.

Experiencing a pregnancy loss

Phone 1800 882 436 (7:30 am to 12:30 midnight)

Payments and services may be available for migrants, newly arrived refugees, humanitarian entrants and asylum seekers. Centrelink may be able to help you with:

Services for you

Multicultural Youth SA works towards a community where all young people are equipped with the resources and opportunities to participate in social, cultural, economic and political life.

Phone 8212 0085 or 8212 0650

STTARS is a free and confidential services to support good health and wellbeing of people who have been tortured or who have suffered refugee-related trauma before their arrival in Australia.

These services include counselling programs for children and young people, and for families.

Phone 8206 8900

Australian Refugee Association provides advice, assistance, advocacy and practical support to people from refugee and asylum-seeking backgrounds including settlement, migration, employment and youth services, and public education, policy and advocacy.

The Refugee Health Service is for newly arrived refugees and asylum seekers.

21 Market Street, Adelaide.
Hours: Monday to Friday, 9.00 am to 5.00 pm.

Free phone 1800 635 566
Phone 8237 3900

The Migrant Women’s Support Program supports migrant and refugee women and children from non-English speaking backgrounds experiencing or escaping domestic or family violence.

Hours: Monday to Friday, 8.30 am to 5.00 pm

Phone 8152 9260

AMES Australia provides practical support to refugees in their first 18 months in Australia. Services include:

  • on-arrival settlement support
  • placement in short-term accommodation (help with finding long-term accommodation)
  • linking to essential services such as Centrelink, Medicare, banking, schools and health care services
  • referral to English language and literacy training
  • vocational education and training.

Phone 13 AMES (13 2637).

Shine SA provides sexual health and relationship well-being services including clinics, counselling, education and information. Male or female interpreters can be arranged.

SHINE SA service information in languages other than English

Phone 8300 5300

Someone to talk to

PEACE multicultural services is a service that works with people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds, regardless of their visa status.

Services from PEACE are free. They will use an interpreter if they do not speak your language.

Phone 8245 8110

The Migrant Women’s Support Service supports migrant and refugee women and children from non-English speaking backgrounds experiencing or escaping domestic or family violence.

Hours: Monday to Friday, 8.30 am to 5.00 pm

Phone 8152 9260

The Legal Services Commission gives free legal information and help.

In South Australia, everyone must obey the law. The law protects everyone’s rights and interests. The Legal Services Commission helps people who cannot pay for legal services.

If you are not a permanent resident and would like some legal information about your VISA and rights to stay in Australia if you separate due to domestic and family violence – you can contact the Migration team at the Legal Service Commission.

Online chat is available.

Hours: Monday to Friday 9.00 am to 4:30 pm. Not open on public holidays.

Phone 1300 366 424 or 8111 5539

The Domestic Violence Crisis Line offers information, counselling and safe accommodation support for women experiencing domestic violence in South Australia.

You can phone the Domestic Violence Crisis Line for free. They can organise a safe telephone interpreter. Let the person know what language you need.

Phone 1800 800 098 (24-hour service)

If life is in danger, phone 000 (triple zero)

There are services available specifically for Aboriginal families.

The Legal Services Commission gives free legal information and help to people who cannot pay for legal services.

For example:

  • if you are not a permanent resident and would like some legal information about your visa and rights to stay in Australia
  • if you separate due to domestic and family violence.

Online chat is available.

Hours: Monday to Friday 9.00 am to 4:30 pm. Not open on public holidays.

Phone 1300 366 424 or 8111 5539

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Last updated: 11 Nov 2022