Adults Supporting Kids

Do you have worries about a child or young person?

Every child and young person has the right to be safe and cared for.

When families are struggling or in crisis, kids and young people can be more at risk of harm.

If you think a child or young person you know is being hurt, or not being looked after, you can help them.

They might tell you a situation or a person is making them feel unsafe. Stay calm, listen to their concerns and try not to criticise or judge them.

What you can do to help:

If you think a child or young person you know is in danger now, phone the police on 000 (triple zero).

  • If you think a child, young person or their family needs a wellbeing check or police assistance, phone 131 444.
  • If you’re worried about a child’s safety and wellbeing, phone the Child Abuse Report Line on 131 478.
  • You can also help kids get support and counselling any time of day at Kids Helpline. Phone 1800 55 1800.

ASK can connect you with information, advice and free services in your area to help you:

It is ok to ASK for help. ASK is a safe place.

Information for you

The Families Growing Together program offers parents and carers a range of face-to-face workshops and online webinars to suit their parenting needs.

For Aboriginal families and communities, a co-design process is used to tailor the workshops.

  • My Child and Me – a two-part workshop for parents of children aged 2–12 years
  • Living with Young People – a two-part workshop for parents of children aged 12–18 years
  • Growing and learning in the family — a two-part workshop to support parents to connect with their child through play
  • Coping Skills – a two-part workshop exploring stress and resilience

Delivered in a relaxed and informal style, these workshops and webinars offer parents helpful information and a choice of simple, practical strategies based on the latest parenting research and using information from Parenting SA.

Workshops and webinars are all live and free and are designed to be interactive with videos, activities and time for parents to discuss information together in small groups or through the chat function.

Families Growing Together

Parenting SA provides  quality resources and information on  topics to support children, young people and families. The free Parent Easy Guides support parents and caregivers in their important role and offer information on many topics if you are worried about a child or young person.

Guides include:

Raising Children Network provides ad-free parenting videos, articles and apps backed by Australian experts

Free, reliable, up-to-date and independent information to help you and your family grow and thrive together, including:

The eSafety Commissioner has advice for parents and carers to help kids stay safe online.

Follow the eSafety Commissioner on Facebook

If life is in danger, phone 000 (triple zero)


Headspace is a free and confidential service for people aged between 12 and 25 to access qualified youth mental health professionals.

You may be having a tough time, or are worried about drug and alcohol use, mental, physical or sexual wellbeing. All services are free and there is no formal referral required.

Phone 1800 650 890

The Department for Child Protection website can help you learn more about reporting a suspected case of child abuse or neglect.

All serious concerns — where you believe the child is in imminent or immediate danger — must be reported via the Child Abuse Report Line.

Phone 13 14 78

Services for you

These centres offer a range of services bringing together education, health, community development activities and services for families.

Services may include:

  • preschools
  • long day care
  • occasional care
  • playgroup
  • programs to support families with children from birth to school age.

SA Children’s Centres

The Children and Parenting Support (CaPS) team walks alongside parents and caregivers of children under 12 in Adelaide inner north, west or the Riverland. The team provides opportunities to build stronger connections to family, friends and community.

CaPS offer ‘drop-in’ support groups, programs and courses, school readiness and social-emotional wellbeing groups for children, and family case work.

Email or

Anglicare SA Children and Families Services support people from before birth to infancy, toddlers, school-age children, teenagers, young adults, and mums and dads to have strong relationships.

Children’s Services Unit

Children’s Services Unit – offers programs and supports for individuals, families and children.

Response to Abuse

Response to Abuse has different programs and supports for kids, parents, caregivers.

Act for Kids is an Australian charity providing free therapy and support services to children and families who have experienced or are at risk of child abuse and neglect.

Phone  8362 5252

Youth Mental Health Service work with young people from 16 to 24 years of age.

The service helps young people develop the skills and supports they need to manage mental health distress and enjoy the best health possible.

24-hour support

Phone 13 14 65 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)

Regional Mental Health Services (business hours only)

Country Referral Unit (business hours only)

Phone 1800 003 307

Streetlink Youth Health Service is a free service for people aged. 10 to 25. They can help with health and medical needs, and counselling about alcohol and other drugs.

Streetlink is an inclusive, respectful service for young people from diverse family and culture backgrounds, sexualities, and gender identities.

Phone 8202 5950

The Benevolent Society supports parents and families to raise children in safe and loving environments.

Providing therapies and support for families living in South Australia with:

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
  • Global Developmental Delay (GDD)
  • intellectual disability
  • challenging behaviours.

Services include:

  • Music Therapy
  • NDIS Support Coordination
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Positive Behaviour Support
  • Speech Pathology

Phone 1800 236 762

Someone to talk to

Parent Helpline South Australia is for parents of children 0 to 5 living in South Australia.

Phone 1300 364 100 (24-hour service)

Kids Helpline provides help and support for young people aged 5 to 25 years (and their parents/caregivers) and is staffed by professional counsellors. Online chat is available.

Phone 1800 55 1800 (24-hour service)

Kids Helpline Online Chat

If life is in danger, phone 000 (triple zero)

1800 RESPECT is a national sexual assault, family and domestic violence counselling line for any Australian who has experienced, or is at risk of, family and domestic violence and/or sexual assault.

Phone 1800 737 732 (24-hour service)

Information in other languages

Help and support for carers and young carers, including representation and advocacy services.

Online chat is available Monday to Friday from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm.

Free phone 1800 242 636 (National Carer Advisory and Counselling Service)
Phone 8291 5600

Search for help and support near you

Last updated: 14 Jan 2025